Health Corner

Böbrek ve Böbrek Üstü Kanseri

Kidney and Adrenal Cancer

Cancers of the adrenal glands often cause more pronounced symptoms as they affect hormone production. Symptoms are usually hormone dependent...

Karaciğer Sağlığı Beslenme

Liver Health Nutrition

In order to avoid fatty liver, products with flour, fat and sugar should be consumed less. Vegetable dishes made with olive oil, fish, salad, legumes, radish, cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, arugula, cress, red beets...



Vaccines developed for hepatitis A and B virus, pay attention to personal hygiene, safe food and a strong immune system are important to protect against hepatitis. Unhygienic conditions can predispose to the transmission of hepatitis (especially Hepatitis A).

aşamın İçinden

Through Life

The Covid-19 pandemic has been on the rise again in our country and in the world in recent days. The situation will be more difficult if you have both corona and flu at the same time. To eliminate this possibility, everyone should get the flu vaccine.



EUS is a type of endoscopic examination. A thin tube with a camera and ultrasound probe at the end; It includes the examination of the esophagus, stomach and the first part of the small intestine. At the end of the tube is a small ultrasound probe that emits sound waves.

Karaciğer Sağlığı

Liver Health

The liver works like a refinery that cleans toxic substances from the body. It is also the production site of many important substance necessary for our health. Although it has the ability to regenerate itself, when it is damaged irreversibly...

Safra Yolları Kanseri

Bile Ducts Cancers

There are many small bile ducts inside the liver like the small branches of a tree. These ducts first form the right and left bile ducts at the lower edge and outside of the liver. These two channels combine to become a single channel and then to the gallbladder itself.

Karaciğer Kanseri

Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is the growth and spread of unhealthy cells in the liver. Cancer that starts in the liver is called primary liver cancer. Cancer that spreads to the liver from another organ is called metastatic liver cancer.

Kolon Kanseri

Colon cancer

Epithelial cells lining the inner surface of the entire digestive system can grow in place and form lumps of different diameters. These structures are generally called "polyps". Although polyps are commonly seen in the large intestine (colon)...

Organ Nakli


Liver transplantation is to replace irreversibly damaged patient liver; with a donated healthy liver. Body weight and blood type should be compatible between the donor and patient. Today in Turkey...



The pancreas is an important organ that provides the opportunity to consume food in a healthier way with many different tasks. It is among the organs that directly contribute to situations such as separating and digesting nutrients. For this reason, the pancreas must be...

Safra Kesesi


Karaciğer tarafından üretilen safranin bir kismi (30-60mm) safra kesesinde tutulur. Safra kesesinin temel işlevi, gıdalardaki yağların sindirimi için gerekli olan safrayı depolamak ve konsantre etmektir. Safra, esas olarak su ve safra tuzlarından oluşur...
