What Are The Surgical Methods In Klatskin Tumors?

Klatskin tumor is a type of tumor originating from the biliary tract. As we know, the liver is the organ responsible for bile production, and it empties the bile it produces into the biliary tract, similar to the branches of a tree. These bile ducts divide into two main units towards the exit of the liver, and these two main branches combine to form a single branch. The gallbladder also joins here, and the common pathway formed passes through the pancreas and opens to the duodenum. Cancers involving any part of the biliary tree are called biliary tract cancer. The particular type of these biliary tract cancers located at the junction of the right and left biliary duct is called the Klatskin tumor. Since this area is close to the main vessels feeding the liver, its surgery is quite complex. The surgery is planned according to the tumor size, the region of the liver where it extends, and its relationship with the vessels. Klatskin tumor surgery is in a technically tricky area that requires the removal of a part of the liver, the biliary tract, and, if necessary, related vascular structures. Therefore, it should be performed in specialized centers and by experienced surgeons.