Gallbladder Stones

While gallstones show symptoms in some patients, others may not. Stones can be detected incidentally in a control ultrasonography during visiting a doctor for any reason.

On the other hand, a pain that starts in the stomach area and hits the back and right shoulder at the same time, accompanied by nausea or jaundice, are findings that suggest the presence of stones in the gallbladder. Jaundice occurs when a stone in the gallbladder falls into the bile ducts and obstructs it. When we eat foods that stimulate the gallbladder especially heavy fatty foods and unbalanced nutrition, gallbladder contraction will increase, and these patients may experience pain. Surgical removal of the gallbladder is required in patients with symptoms. In this situation we usually prefer laparoscopic surgery which is the gold standard. If patient is asymptomatic, and gallstones diagnosed as a result of check-up or coincidence, in that position does not require surgery except in very special case.