Liver Health Nutrition

How to Eat for Liver Health?

Ender Dulundu

In order to avoid fatty liver, products with flour, fat and sugar should be consumed less. Vegetable dishes made with olive oil, fish, salad, legumes, radish, cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, arugula, cress, red beets, carrots, garlic are liver-friendly foods. Fatty liver can cause cirrhosis or cancer in the liver over time if no precautions are taken.

What Foods Cleans Your Liver

Ender Dulundu

A healthy diet is of great importance in the regeneration of the liver, which is one of the most important and largest organs of our body. The liver has vital tasks such as helping to absorbing vitamins and minerals taken with food and cleaning harmful substances in the body. The first step in liver health is the right foods. Some nutrients that provide regeneration by removing toxins directly affect liver health. Foods that clean and protect the liver with their antioxidant effects;

  • •Artichoke
  • • Lemon
  • •Grapefruit
  • • Apple
  • • Carot
  • •Green Leafy Vegetables
  • • Garlic
  • • Avocado
  • •Whole grains
  • •Turmeric
  • •Walnut
  • •Endive

Nutrition For Healthy Liver

It is important to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fiber-rich foods to support liver function. Those including:

  • •Fruits and vegetables
  • •Whole grains, such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, and oats
  • •Lean protein sources such as skinless chicken, fish, tofu, and beans
  • •Low-fat dairy products, such as skim milk, cheese, and yoğurt
  • •Nuts and seeds

For Healthy Liver...

Karaciğer sağlığı için dengeli beslenmek ve kilonuzu korumak çok önemlidir. Tüketilmesi gereken besinlerin dışında alkolden de uzak durulması gerekir. Karaciğer yağlanmasına karşı günlük en az 30 dakikalık yürüyüşler ihmal edilmemelidir. Karaciğere iyi gelen besinler;

  • Brokoli
  • Avokado
  • Havuç
  • Yeşil yapraklı sebzeler
  • Greyfurt
  • Çilek
  • Üzüm
  • Limon
  • Portakal
  • Sarımsak
  • Ceviz

Avocado Is An Important Nutrient Against Fat Liver

Ender Dulundu

Avocado, which is known as the most suitable vegetable for healthy fat intake, provides liver regeneration and helps cells to recover, especially with the omega 6 it contains. Avocado can be consumed directly in salads or by squeezing lemon. It is recommended not to consume more than one per day. Avocado, which provides healthy fat to the body and destroys harmful fatty acids, is an important food against fatty liver.