Through Life

Don't Neglect the Flu and Pneumonia Vaccine

Ender Dulundu
The Covid-19 pandemic has been on the rise again in our country and in the world in recent days. The situation will be more difficult if you have both corona and flu at the same time. To eliminate this possibility, everyone should get the flu vaccine. Apart from this, people over the age of 65, people with chronic diseases such as COPD, diabetes and those with low immune system should also get the pneumonia vaccine.

Digestive System Diseases May Cause Serious Problems If Not Treated!

The main organs that make up the digestive system are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus. Helping them along the way are the pancreas, gall bladder and liver. Common digestive system diseases;

  • Reflux
  • Gastritis,
  • Gastric ulcer
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation and diarrhea
  • Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
  • Cancer
What Is Oncologıcal Surgery?

With the prolongation of human life as a result of the improvement of living conditions, cancer cases are encountered at a much higher rate today. Oncological surgery is a special surgery and should be performed by physicians who have experience and knowledge in the field of cancer surgery. With this surgery, cancerous tissues in the patient it is required to be removed with intact surgical margins so that no tumor tissue is left behind, it is aimed to clean the lymph nodes. At the same time, oncological surgery can be performed with the aim of reducing the burden of the tumor, which we call diagnosis, staging, and debulking, depending on the type and extent of the tumor.

What Is Minimal Invasive Surgery?

Ender Dulundu

Minimally invasive surgery; It is a method of performing the surgery using small incisions, aiming to cause the least damage to body tissues. The advantages of minimally invasive surgery are a shorter hospital stay, less risk of infection and bleeding, smaller scars due to smaller incisions, and less pain. Procedures performed with minimally invasive surgery:

  • Gallstones and polyps
  • Appendicitis
  • Abdominal wall hernias
  • Reflux surgeries
  • Obesity surgeries ( Bariatric Surgery )
  • Spleen removal
  • Adrenal gland operations
  • Removal of colon and rectum tumors
  • Removal of selected pancreatic tumors
  • Selected liver operations

Keep Your Immunity System Strong To Live Healthy

In general, a strong immune system plays an important role in protecting against infectious diseases. For this reason, it is necessary to give importance to food diversity by eating a sufficient and balanced diet, to ensure sufficient water and fluid consumption and not to neglect physical activity.

Take A Step To A Healthy Life!..

With the adoption of a more sedentary lifestyle in today's living conditions, the incidence of chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and osteoporosis has increased. Physical activity can contribute to the development of protection against infections by increasing body resistance. Walking is the most common and easy-to-apply activity for individuals of all ages. By walking, we increase our body's capacity to use oxygen, and we work large muscle groups dynamically and rhythmically. Therefore, in order to protect and improve health, walking should be done regularly, and it should be made a part of life.

Ender Dulundu

Unhealthy Nutrition Habit May Cause Cancer

Ender Dulundu

In the line with the scientific studies, it has been found that all cancer types that develop later on, except for hereditary cancers, are closely related to unhealthy eating habits and obesity. Obesity, irregular diet, high cholesterol and diabetes are also risk factors for liver diseases. With obesity, subcutaneous adipose tissue and more dangerously, adipose tissue around the organ develop and increase. While these are happening, it is inevitable that the liver, which is the metabolism factory of our body, also accumulates fat. Fatty liver is a serious problem and can progress to cirrhosis over time.

D Vitamini Eksikliği Halsizlik ve Yorgunluğa Sebep Olur

Ender Dulundu

Dünyada ve ülkemizde sıkça rastlanan D vitamini eksikliği, yaygın vücut ağrısı, kas eklem ağrısı, sırt kalça ağrısının yanı sıra halsizlik ve yorgunluğa sebep olabiliyor. D vitamininin en fazla yumurta sarısı, süt, karaciğer ve balıkta bulunuyor. D Vitaminini doktorunuza danışarak kullanınız.

Drink At Least 2.5 Liters Of Water Per Day!

Ender Dulundu

The regular functioning of all cell and organ systems in our body is dependent on water. Water plays a role in regulating body temperature, absorbing minerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose and transporting nutrients to cells and removing waste products formed as a result of metabolism. Drinking little water will facilitate the development of urinary tract infections, kidney stone formation and electrolyte disorders. During the day, especially in hot weather; We lose water through respiration, perspiration, urine and intestines. Although it varies from person to person, at least 2.5-3 liters of water should be drunk a day.